학회지 피해자학연구

피해자학연구, 2017, 제25권 제1호(원문제공)

작성자 정보

  • 최고관리자 작성
  • 작성일
  • 목록



제25권 제1호(2017. 4)

❏ 논문

∙ 개인정보보호를 위한 잊혀질 권리와 표현의 자유의 조화방안

·················································································································· 이희경 5

∙ 고소권 제한원리로서 권리남용금지원칙의 도입에 관한 연구

-헌법상 기본권 충돌과 제한의 관점에서-

·················································································································· 김혜경 29

∙ 범죄피해자지원가의 전문성과 역량강화에 관한 연구

·················································································································· 김소라 71

∙ 법의간호사의 의견서가 아동·청소년성범죄의 기소처분 결과에 미치는 영향

····································································································· 최보은 ․ 홍해숙 97

∙ 아동기 성폭력 피해의 비폭로 요인

-폭로하지 않은 채 성인이 된 여성들을 중심으로-

····································································································· 정로사 ․ 김태경 121

∙ 청소년기 첫 폭행가해경험이 이후의 범죄피해에 미치는 영향:

성향점수매칭을 활용한 집단비교

························································································ 김지훈 ․ 이명우 ․ 박한호 153

❏ 부록 ························································································································ 175


■ Articles

∙ On the Harmony Manner of the Right to be Forgotten and the Freedom

of Expression

·································································································· Lee, Hee–Kyung 5

∙ Revision Prohibiting Abuse of Right as Limitation on Right of Complaint

································································································· Kim, Hye–Kyung 29

∙ A Study on the Quality promotion and Professional development

of Crime Victim Supporters

······································································································· Kim, So–Rah 71

∙ The Influence of Forensic Medical Reports of Forensic Nurses on

Prosecution Outcomes of Child and Adolescent Sexual Crime

········································································ Choi, Bo–Eun ․ Hong, Hae-Sook 97

∙ The factors influencing children to non-disclosure of sexual violence:

Focusing on the experiences of women who non-disclosing child sexual abuse

······································································ Jung, Ro–Ssa ․ Kim, Tae–Kyoung 121

∙ Estimating the Effect of the Onset of Violence on Victimization:

A Matched Samples Comparison

·············································· Kim, Ji–Hoon ․ Lee, Myung–Woo ․ Park, Han–Ho 153

■ Appendix ············································································································· 175
